Raise Your Support with Confidence
After running three Support Raising course over the past few month I received a lot of questions and people coming to me asking for help . . .
One primary feedback/question?
The answer was no, no, no, and no. (was being the operative word in the sentence).
And now? I'm giving it to your for free.
I present to you the VERY FIRST version of . . .
Raise Your Support With Confidence
Countless errors and all.
This is a comprehensive guide for fundraising in the 21st century.
Okay maybe not comprehensive . . . but there is a lot of info.
What NOT to expect?
What TO expect . . .
You are the FIRST to gain access to this document. And I hope to revise and add to it in the coming months.
So PLEASE DO send me emails about my spelling mistakes, wrong word, things that didn't make sense, extra info that you wish was included. Your help will make this document better for hundreds coming after us.
This is what you should do.
Thank you!
Your Guide to Confidence,
Aden Ezra Wright
P.s. Email me your feedback. For ever mistake you find I'll give you a piece of candy.
P.p.s. Guys . . . I didn't even have time to create a cover, okay? So if anyone creates a REALLY awesome cover for the book I will . . . I don't know . . . I'll thank you and buy you a coffee. (But it has to be legit . . . winner get a coffee).
In the next few months we will be launching a full online training course with videos, downloadable worksheets, tools etc to help you become confident and fully funded.
Sign up, download your free book, and stay tuned.
Sign up download your 180 page guide to support raising for FREE.
Yes. That's right. 100% free.