Support Raise with Confidence

Tired of fumbling your fundraising?

Simple. Clear. Confident.

Stop spinning your wheels with fruitless fundraising tactics. Gain the confidence of a simple system that works.

You did it. You took the leap of faith. You signed up for to a mission trip . . .

The adrenaline is racing through your veins. You got accepted.

You are saying yes to a wild adventure with God . . .

. . . when all of a sudden it dawns on you.

"How on EARTH am I going to pay this?!?"

The excitement turns to panic. Your leg starts bouncing. Your eye begins to twitch as you break into a cold sweat.

Your heroic moment of saying yes to God just crashed and burned as you start to think, "Maybe I don't have the faith to become a missionary . . . Maybe this was a bad idea."

WHoooooooa. Let me stop you right there.

Satan is trying to eat your lunch.

I know how you feel. I've been there. I've been stuck with little to no faith at an absolute loss of how I was going to pay for a mission trip.

I know that defeated feeling, wondering if you are cut out for this kind of live-by-faith-and-not-by-sight lifestyle. It sounded romanic at first, but now you can't sleep at night.

The feeling is real. The fear is real. But then again . . . Satan is real. Does that matter?

  • God is greater than the devil.
  • God's truth supersedes our experience
  • God's promises are more powerful than our feelings.

The first lesson you need to learn is that YOU are not your provider. You are not your keeper. God is. Period.

*Sigh of relief*

Please. Stop worrying. Akumamatata. Worry is a sin. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

Do this RIGHT NOW:

  1. Stand up
  2. Declare out loud: I am not my provider. God is my provider. I depend on Him.
  3. Now take a DEEP breath.

Did you do it?

How do you feel?



It feels pretty good to surrender and place your faith in God, huh?

The second lesson you need to learn is this: Faith without works is DEAD.

I'm glad you have relinquished control and placed your trust in God. But now God requires something of you to see His will come to pass on the earth.

The disciples had to throw their nets on the other side to bring in a TON of fish. Breakthrough require obedience. Obedience requires ACTION.

Which is exactly why you are here. You are a person of action.

You are reading this because you are desperate to learn WHAT you need to do to raise money for your missions trip.

You know you need to do SOMETHING--but you just don't know what to do or how to do it.

You've probably heard a lot of people give you a lot of advice on how to raise money:

  • Hold a bake sale
  • sell t-shirt
  • start a gofundme
  • Knit 1000 mittens
  • Run 10,000 miles in the next 24 hours
  • Panhandle
  • Rob a bank

. . . but the random tactics seem like guess work. Not only guess work but busy work. Or flat-out senseless.

Honestly, you might as well just pick up a second job and save some money instead of risking $1000 dollars to sell 200 t-shirts (that no one wants) in hopes raise $2000.

You don't need random shotgun tactics.

What you need a system.

You need a proven path to raising one time donations for your missions trip

You need to be told what to do and how to do it.

That is exactly why I created Support Raise with Confidence - For Short Term Missions

Raise Support with Confidence - for Short-Term Missions is a FREE 7 day email course.

In this course you will learn:

  1. The lie that keeps your from raising support and how to smash it.
  2. The One-Step-Secret-To-Fundraising
  3. The exactly people to contact who are already primed to give.
  4. The template of what to communicate to cause donors to reach for their wallets.
  5. Step by step instructions showing you how to contact and follow up with a donor.
  6. The heart posture that maximizes donations
  7. About your God given 100% Guarantee of success and how to cash in on it.

You will learn a PROVEN system to fundraising.

I've personally raised over $250,000.00 for mission work across the globe using this system.

I've successfully helped over 50 individuals raise finances for short and long term missions.

This system works. Period.

No more guess work. No more fumbling. No more fear.

Nothing but the rush of knowing that you are on a wild adventure with Jesus.

But it doesn't happen overnight. I'm not giving you some gimmicky get-fully-funded-over-night-without-having-to-do-anything. Success in fundraising requires your work.

Hard work.

What I can promise is a system give you all the steps you need to achieve your goals so that all the nations might hear of the great name of Jesus Christ.

Oh . . . and did I mention it is free?

Sign up today and I'll see you on the other side.

Yours Truly,

Aden Ezra Wright

P.s. Uh--it is free so sign up and tell your other missionary friends.

P.p.s. Is there some sort of catch? The only catch is that if you want to succeed you have to put in the work. Stop reading and start working.


Fundraise for short-term missions with confidence.

Enroll for your FREE training now.

Yes. That's right. 100% free.